Roblox Anti Afk Bot


Roblox Anti Afk Bot Download Free

Hello there!
Today I have released some pretty more advanced anti-scam bot for groups than the previous one published by @DutchDeveloper ( Scam Remove Bot ).

Pdf expert vs pdfpenpro. It is published on the github and pretty easy to use.

Afk bot for roblox

Search: Anti Afk Bot Roblox Mac. If you are not founding for Anti Afk Bot Roblox Mac, simply will check out our information below. Hope You Found This Helpful!Link For AFK Bot: how to be afk in roblox without.

But before you boot your amazing defender…
How to run Bot

  1. install Node.js
  2. open the bot directory in the cmd using cd command
  3. type npm i request request-promise into the cmd
  4. edit your config.json file. Here are few my tips about doing that:
Roblox Anti Afk Bot

Roblox Anti Afk Bot Download 2020

  • login_type - set it to either 'Username' or 'Email'. It will tell the script, what are you attempting to log in with.
  • login - your login or email (depends on what you have chosen in the login_type)
  • password - your bot’s password
  • group - your group’s id
  • scan_delay - time between auto scans ( SECONDS * 1000 )
  • banned_words - words, which will cause the risk level to rise by 1
  • target_level - level, which user needs to reach to be awarded with ban
  • op_ranks - ranks above this number, will be protected from banning
  • ban_rank - rank number to ban (eg. 10) YOU NO LONGER NEED TO ENTER THE ROLESET ID FROM THE LINK
  • ban_message - ban message subject
    • subject - message subject
    • body - message body

Start your script with node index.js.

Bot will take awhile to scan old posts. It requires stable connection. If it breaks while this process, you need to restart the script to start from scratch (roblox api requires to scroll every page in the ascending order, because of the cursor system). It is prefered to run the initialization with very big scan_delay value to prevent multiple processes. After the primary scan, there shouldn’t be issues with the scan_delay set to 60 seconds.
TIP: Scanning 100 pages took about 63 seconds for me. Worked without any issues with group having 17k pages.

Roblox anti afk bot download 2020

UPDATE 11/18/2018
Updated scripts, prevented double attempt to ban, introduced ban messages. Make sure to update your config as it’s format changed.

If you want to modify the script, it is very easy. You just need to modify the index.js. I have already prepared few basic methods (eg. banning user).

IMPORTANT NOTES: Hello neighbor alpha 1 free download mac.

  1. This is my commission for @RuizuKun_Dev and he wished to publish it and make open-sourced.
  2. Project might be updated with few new methods eg. badges checking.

Roblox Anti Afk Bot

This bot works, but is no longer being worked on. If you prefer a live solution with a static uptime and a solid system, refer to Okwo . We give our best to maintain this bot, but we can’t promise to keep it updated everytime

Roblox Anti Afk Bot

Free to use, share, redistribute, modify and everything other.

How To Go Afk In Roblox


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